What’s on?

Here at Christ Church, Sevenoaks we have a number of activities that happen throughout the week that you can take part in. Have a look at this page to see if there is anything that takes your interest! 

Coffee Morning

Meeting last Friday of every month. Just roll up, for coffee and a chat!

Did we mention that we take companionship and friendship seriously?

Film Club

Shortly to resume after Covid details avidly awaited.



Lunch club

The Littlecourt Lunch Club is held every Tuesday starting at 12 noon.

This is a co-operative venture among the local churches. A delicious two course lunch is served.

Transport can be provided. Volunteer cooks and drivers also welcome. 

If you would like to join in  please ring.

We would love to welcome you.

Contact Deirdre Montanaro (01732 455435) or Gill Smith (01732 455993)

Study Book Circle

This friendly inclusive group meets on the first Friday of each month in a member’s house.

All are welcome and may join in at any time. We take the line that all views are welcome and there are no right answers. Faith is a journey and we are all at different points and may even be taking different routes. This season we are reading:

Seven Sacred Spaces Portals to deeper community life in Christ, by George Lings. 

To get in touch have a word with Claire in Church